- Pick them up early from the party. (‘Everyone else is staying until midnight. You’re so embarrassing.’)
- Pick them up late from the party. (‘Everyone else is already gone. You’re so embarrassing.’)
- Make an effort with your appearance. (‘Why are you wearing lipstick? Ugh.’)
- Don’t make an effort with your appearance. (‘Why are you wearing sweatpants? Ugh.’)
- Be affectionate. (‘Don’t touch me.’)
- Don’t be affectionate. (‘Don’t I get a hug?’)
- Take an interest in their activities. (‘Scrape out.’)
- Don’t take an interest in their activities. (‘You don’t even care what I do.’)
- Love your partner. (‘Oh my God, get a room.’)
- Don’t love your partner. (‘Why are you even with him?’)
- Exist…

Damhnait Monaghan is an award-winning writer with numerous publication credits. Her novella-in-flash, ‘The Neverlands,’ won Best Novella in the 2020 Saboteur Awards. Her debut novel, ‘New Girl in Little Cove’ (HarperCollins), described as “charming” and “a warm hug of a book”, is out now.
Twitter: @downith • Instagram: @downith1